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The Module System


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Notice those 24 equally-spaced holes?

That's the modular system! These holes are 8.10mm in diameter, spaced 100mm apart.

This pattern can be found on all 4 sides of the machine, as well as the top.

When not in use, they can be blocked off with bolts or hole caps. But when in use, they securely attach external modules to each available face of the robot!


For instance, let's say we want to add a snow plough to the front, but we want to add floodlights to the top. This system makes it effortless to do so, provided you have both modules.

Not only does this mean the robot is fully customisable for different situations, but also reduces the cost and storage!

The only real alternative to this would be to have entire body panels dedicated to different things. Which is fine, but this means you need to re-build the body of the robot every time you want to add or modify things.

With our solution, it's a good balance between having an easily modifyable machine, while not compromising the structure!

Electronic modules

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Alright, but what if we want to add something electronic, or something that needs a wired connection to the robot's internals?

We've thought of that, too! (Smarter than we look, right?)

This oval shape, like the bolts that surround it, can be plugged with a 3D-printed cover to prevent rain getting in when it's not in use.

When we do have something to wire into the existing components, we can simply run the wires through this hole. Plenty of space for even the thickest of wires. This can also utilise special wire coverings for use on wet days!

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